How to Reduce Bounce Rate and Boost Your Conversions

How to Reduce Bounce Rate and Boost Your Conversions?
Websites have always been and are still being used as one of the primary tools for leveraging businesses. It is almost rare as a unicorn to find a business that is making insane profits without having a website. And that is because, for a prospective customer, a website is the door to the company’s products & services. Now some people may argue that choosing mobile app development could have been a better option, but then a website, somewhat, builds a foundation where you can connect with your customers in a much broader sense.
But then there are times when you wonder why in the world your website isn’t generating business as expected, despite spending a fortune on it. You start doubting your product, as well as your business potential. But most of the times, the real culprit is ‘Bounce Rate’.
What is Bounce Rate?
The simplest definition of Bounce Rate is – it is the percentage of visitors that leave a website after viewing the first page. Even simply put, your product or service didn’t seem interesting enough to them. The effect of Bounce Rate on your business could be disastrous if, over the time, nothing is done about it.
According to a research, 26-40% Bounce Rate is great, 41-55% is average and anything above it is not what you should be aiming for.
So how do you reduce Bounce Rate of your website? If you are looking for an answer, this guide is a must read for you:

The connection between Bounce Rate and readability is quite apparent; the better they understand, the more they are interested. If you have a WordPress website, you get a free SEO plug-in from Yoast. Install it and follow the corrections it suggest to improve your content’s readability.
According to Yoast, a piece of content has good readability when:
- Not more than 25% sentences have more than 20 words.
- Punctuations and grammar have been well taken care of.
- There is sufficient use of transition words.
- Passive sentences are less than 20%

Use sufficient Infographics
Visual communication has always been much more efficient at getting the message across, compared to text only. People find it the content more engaging when you use pictures, GIFs and videos to communicate. Besides, Google also gives priority to content that has more infographics. And if you good ranking on Google search; chances are, people already trust you enough to go through your website.
Integrate the content with your brand
Integrating the content with the brand brings uniformity and a sense of credibility to your website. The sections on your landing page should not feel scattered and must not talk about different or contradictory goals. Carry out extensive research on the tone of how others, in the same line of business as yours, pen down their ideas. Have a logo and a summary of your vision, mission and offer, apparent enough on the landing page itself. The effect of appropriate content is almost the same in a website and app. That is why, the best mobile app development companies as well, understand the importance of appropriate content integration, digital marketing, and make sure it has been seamlessly done.
According to statistics, a 1-second delay could cost you 7% conversions. According to another study, 53% mobile sites turn into ghost towns if the load times are more than 3 seconds.
What do these figures say?
It is that people don’t like to wait, period
You can decrease your website’s load time by using page optimization techniques like using compressed pictures and videos. Apart from that, using cached pages also decreases your load time as the server deploys webpages from local cache.
Only use authentic web-hosts to host your website. Some popular web-hosts in India are HostGator, GoDaddy.

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