Facebook Wants To Read Your Mind

Facebook Wants To Read Your Mind
Facebook is advancing day by day by updated itself with latest features. One such feature which is grabbing the attention is that it is trying to read the mind of the user, i.e., it is trying to predict what the user is about to type or say.
Facebook, which is a ruler in social networking has unveiled its latest Wednesday projects at its annual developer’s conference. This project aims at allowing the users to use their skin to hear words or their minds to type message.
At the Silicon Valley event, the former DARPS director and Facebook executive Regina Dugan presented a packed audience about the speech and explained that ‘’speech is a compression algorithm and a lousy one’’. Citing an example, poets and writers are most loved as they are better in compressing their thoughts into words. So, why not we directly type our brain into a computer?
As per Dugan, Head of the team ( of 8) who are working on hardware innovations for the mission of connecting the world with social network, this idea was seeded around 6 months ago and now that, more than 60 scientists, system integrators, engineers are working on this project.
Dugan, says they are just started with the project. The main goal of this project is that the system should be made capable of typing 100 words per minute directly from the user’s brain.
Her presentation involved a video, in which a women with neurodegenerative disease at its advance stage was using her mind to make moves on cursor of the computer screen for typing words slowly.
She also added, such king of brain-computer interface technology is already in use in implanting electrodes, now that Facebook is trying to use the optical imaging for eliminating the use of surgical intrude of brains. Facebook apps development is taking a new dimension with the versatility of its Facebook app developers.

Facebook is working on making sensors based ‘silent-speech interfaces’ that can be worn by the user, yet not compromising with the quality. It does not mean to decode the random though process of the user, which many people want to know. It just aims at sharing the thoughts which the user want to share. The words which are sent to the speech center of the brain are only focused.
Upon the launch of this technology, user can find perfect substitute for texting messages or emails by thinking, instead one need not interrupt the usage of smartphone touchscreens.
This technology also has the potency to interpret the concepts and semantics which are linked with the words, user is thinking, ruling out language differences by just sharing what is there in user’s mind.
‘’This kind of technology stand unique in being noninvasive system that will further help the people with communication disorder as a speech prosthetic or act like a new means for AR input’’ says Dugan on her Facebook page, in regard to AR.
The transformation may even include brain mouse or simple yes/no brain clicks.
Building 8 group is also focusing on ‘hear’ thoughts via user’s skin, with their feeling are translated to words in a way that ear turns vibrations into sound.
Dugan says, Human brain has the ability to construct language from components. She is looking the day to come which is not so far, where she thinks in mandarin and it can be felt in Spanish instantly. Such a technology which is dreamt is just years away.
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Work of Building 8 will let the users choose to share a thought in a similar fashion of sharing photos and videos, says Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook co-founder and Chief Executive, in a post on this official page on social network.
He also added, this technology will further upgraded to wearable technology which can be manufactured at scale.
This Building 8 Team was started by Facebook last year and was handed over to Dugan, who has the record of leading an advanced technology projects at Google. Also, Before Google, Dugan extended her services to Defense Department’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, which is devoted to develop technologies for US military.
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